June, 7-9,  2000
Ottawa, Canada


CD/RES. 04 (75-R/00)






1.        That the inter-American community is now preparing the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Children and Social Policy in the Americas, to take place in Jamaica in October 2000;


2.        That there is consensus on the need to provide authentic spaces for the participation of children concerning the manifestation of their needs and opinions, and, particularly, concerning the decisions that affect them;


3.        That it is very important to promote and preserve the natural and propitious environments where children may express themselves entirely with full freedom and spontaneity;


4.        That Articles 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child oblige State Parties to guarantee the conditions in which children may make their own judgments, may express their views freely on all matters affecting them, may be heard, may have their right to freedom of expression, thought, conscience, religion, and association respected; and that, at the same time, these Articles oblige States Parties to guarantee the rights and duties of parents to guide their children in the exercise of their right to participation in a manner consistent with the children's evolving capabilities;


The Directing Council of the Inter-American Children’s Institute resolves:


1.        To call upon the Member States to adopt mechanisms of participation through which children may express their views and recommendations on the issues included on the Agenda of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Children and Social Policy in the Americas, taking them duly into account in accordance with the age and maturity of the children.

2.        To call for respect and coherence, in these participation spaces, of the various social and cultural contexts in which the children of the Americas live, and to avoid, as much as possible, any influence that would limit or hinder the expressions, opinions and recommendations that emerge from these spaces.